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How to have the BEST Family Photoshoot ever!

Writer: photographyofsarahphotographyofsarah

Updated: Jul 27, 2021

A sweet photo taken in the moment of a laughing, happy family from the BEST family photo session
The beautiful family all together!

You've spent so much time putting thought and effort into your family's outfits, hair-dos, etc don't let it all fall apart once you get to the actual photoshoot! Below I have 5 tips to help you have great pictures no matter which photographer you choose!

A candid picture of a mother and her sons hugging during an outdoor family photoshoot
A motherly love

#1 - The first tip is simple enough, but make sure everyone has eaten beforehand (including yourself). The last thing you need is a household of hangry individuals.

Brothers sweetly embracing during a spring family photoshoot.
Brotherly love

#2 - Next try to prep as much as you can the night before so that you can have a calm house and family going into the photoshoot. If you get frustrated because your little ones are getting a little out of control, or someone is having a bad attitude, your children will sense it, and their own emotions will intensify.

A fun family photograph of the grandkids and grandparents together during a family photo session.
A race to Grandma and Grandpa

#3 - Prep your kids for the photoshoot by talking with them about the photographer (show them pictures of your photographer), and chat about what what will happen at the photoshoot. You can even have them practice taking pictures of you, or themselves using a phone or play camera.

Get pictures of grandma during your family photoshoot!
Big hugs for Grandma!

#4 - Even if your photographer doesn't ask you beforehand, share with them some of the shows, movies, books, or toys that your little ones are enjoying right now. If there is anything that your little ones find funny DEFINITELY share that with your photographer so they can use it to your advantage.

An extended family photograph during Spring family photos
The full family with Grandma and Grandpa!

#5 - Bring some bribery, or toy, to help refocus their attention when your little ones get distracted. I love Smarties because they don't make a mess and they dissolve quickly. A small noisy toy can do wonders for small children and babies. For older kids, a promised trip to the ice cream or donut shop after the photoshoot can help keep the excitement up and get them refocused on the prize.

Beautiful couple photographed in the wildflowers, taken during a family photography session
Parents deserve cute pictures of themselves too!

Stay tuned for more tips on lifestyle family photography, and how to take great candid pictures of your own!


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